Wishy-washy DC: Soft on crime, soft on terrorism
"Hoodies to the left of me, Mujahideen to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you!"
When David Cameron swept to power promising to create a "new Conservative Party" few could have imagined quite how dramatic the shift from Right to wrong would be.
Hot on the heels of Cameron's "hug a hoody" policy and wavering over terrorist detention, comes his disgraceful flip-flopping over Iraq.
The failed attempt of the Tories to force a fresh inquiry into the war, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Galloway and the Lib Dems, was breathtaking in its hypocrisy and opportunism.
Also chiming into the lobbies alongside the old Etonain were the SNP, led by the despicable, seditious miscreant Alex Salmond, a man who described the liberation of Kosovo as "an act of unpardonable folly" - something his Muslim backers should take note of.
Not only would an inquiry send all the wrong signals to the British troops out in Iraq, it would also be wholly unnecessary. There have already been FOUR INQUIRIES, all of which have cleared the Government of any wrongdoing.
1. Foreign Affairs Select Committee, July 2003, Inquiry into the intelligence leading up to war: CLEARED
2. Intelligence & Security Committee, September 2003, Investigation into the intelligence behind the Iraq dossier of September 2002: CLEARED
3. Hutton Report, January 2004, Inquiry into the death of weapons expert Dr. David Kelly: CLEARED
4. Butler Inquiry, July 2004, Inquiry into the accuracy of intelligence purporting to show Iraq's capacity to produce WMDs: CLEARED
Well, if DC and his pals really want an inquiry, they can have one, and I challenge anyone to disagree with the findings. I present The Das Report:
Conclusions - (i). Saddam was an evil dictator; (ii). The Iraqi people wanted him out; (iii). Tony Blair and George Bush should be praised for forcing him out; (iv). Democracy is better than dictatorship; (v). Those who supported the enemy, i.e. Galloway, should receive the treatment meted out to traitors in the old days ...