Shamik Das

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The gentry have landed


DON’T CHA just love being ruled by the pair of toffs above? It’s just like being back in the 19th century!

Welcome to the new world, the party of old Etonians and a party with no blacks or Asians, ruling us all with not a woman to be seen.

Still, at least Nicholas, Davey boy and Gideon all had fun over dinner last night; until...

Not what you expected when you voted Liberal Democrat? Voted Sarah and got Gideon? Failed to heed the warnings that only Labour could keep out the Tories? Wanna do something about it?

Well, it’s simple! Sign up to the only progressive party left in British politics: call 08705 900 200 or join online.

Together we can smash the Fib-Con alliance.

Labour: For the many, not the few; for Britain not Bullingdon


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