Balls talking bollocks

ED BALLS believes the "overwhelming majority" of the Cabinet, Labour MPs, Labour party members and members of the public believe Gordon Brown is doing "a great job".
The Schools Secretary shrugged off former Home Secretary Charles Clarke's warning that Labour was "destined to disaster" and faced "utter destrucion" at the next election.
In spite of a series of self-inflicted disasters, our flat-lining economy and the unprecedented unpopularity of the Prime Minister, his closest ally continues to parrot his master's voice, blaming "global economic conditions" for all the country's ills.
"It's not the first time Charles has made those kind of comments," smirked Balls. "I think it's Charles being Charles. I don't think that's where the debate will be when we get to the next general election.
"We face an unprecedented set of circumstances with rising food, fuel and energy prices. The public want us to get on with the job."

It's a measure of just how out of touch Balls is that he actually believes what he is saying, completely ignoring current opinion polls and the
by-election defeats in Glasgow East, Crewe and Nantwich and Henley, failures which followed the loss of the London Mayoralty and annihilation at the local elections in May.
Balls also conveniently ignores the fact that every other major economy is better placed to deal with the current crisis, with only Britain on the verge of a recession.
All this after Gordon Brown not too long ago said that Britain would be the best placed economy to deal with the global downturn.
As jug ears said, "we will not permit that to happen."
It's time to wield the knife; down with Brown.
• Charles Clarke's New Statesman article
• Gordon's stooges close ranks
Rubbish Germany and France had a negative economic quarter in the last quarter the UK did not.
We have a lower national debt than we did in 1997.You are just racist to scottish people. There is no opinion survey evidence to suggest a new leader would boost us stoop giving ammunition to cocaine tories.
04 September, 2008 20:57
What do you sikhs have against the PM. Sunny Hundal want him out so do you, What is this? Do you sikhs just hate scottish people ?
04 September, 2008 21:00
04 September, 2008 21:27
In last quarter
Japan contracted by 0.6 per cent
Germany by 0.5%
France by 0.3%
We did not.
So much for us being in the toughest condition.
05 September, 2008 00:02
You should all be sent to the funny farm.
Which part of "Gordon Brown is a f*cking disaster who'll lead us to oblivion" do you brown-nosing tossers not get?
It's because of idiots like you that Tony Blair was forced out.
Congratulations. I hope you're proud of yourselves.
05 September, 2008 12:43
You are a dumb moronic idiot. How the heck do they allow a ignorant oaf moron like you to have a blog. You have no intelectual arguments just moronic red neck brain dead comments you pick up ignorant headlines from reading the sun after or whathever Blairite crap you suck up like a uneducated moron. How the heck am I brown nosing him I am not an MP you nutter. I support him because i support labour we are in trouble and pub bores like you help the tory party.
Blair had to go and would have been in the same situation. What are you his boyfriend?
05 September, 2008 18:22
And what a great intellect you are...
Delusional, condescending and censorious to boot.
If you're so sure of your arguments, why not allow comments on your blog, or put your name to your pathetic, unreasoned and Stalinist crap?!
06 September, 2008 14:26
So what is it you hate about a state educated PM. Maybe you get your private educated PM back. I know the sikhs backed the british empire in the Indian Mutiny. You love the upper classes and want to bring back the empire, and invade Iran.
08 September, 2008 09:18
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