Burn, Ba'athist burn!
Read it and weep, Galloway, read it and fucking weep, you piece of shit.
A fantastic day for the people of Iraq, to rank alongside April 9th 2003 (fall of Baghdad) and December 13th that same year (capture of Saddam). Be in no doubt as to the guilt of Saddam Hussein and all his lackeys; we can but hope that one day they too will be brought to justice ...
The free world owes a debt of gratitude to the British and American troops and their brave leaders who have made this possible.
Tony Blair and George Bush, democrats everywhere salute you!
I'll leave the final word to Nouri Maliki, the first ever democratically elected Prime Minister in Iraqi history: "No-one can oppose the decision to execute the criminal Saddam.
"Those who reject the execution of Saddam are undermining the dignity of Iraq's martyrs."
Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (1937-2006)
Sham you a nutter!
30 December, 2006 11:18
From you, my friend, I take it as a compliment! :)
30 December, 2006 14:33
I think the execution was probably, very-much-on-balance a tactical error. But I wouldn't go on any protests against it...or join in with Galloway's and the STWC/SWP's hypocritical bollocks about it. Your frankness, Sham, is refreshing.
31 December, 2006 17:16
"The free world owes a debt of gratitude to the British and American troops and their brave leaders who have made this possible."
For what?
"Tony Blair and George Bush, democrats everywhere salute you!"
I'm a democrat, and I certainly won't be saluting either. If that's what democracy looks like, give me Putin's Russia anyday!
"I'll leave the final word to Nouri Maliki, the first ever democratically elected Prime Minister in Iraqi history: "No-one can oppose the decision to execute the criminal Saddam."
Far from it. Maliki isn't the first democratically elected Iraqi PM in history. Remember al-Jaafari and the shambles that led to him being ousted as PM. The fact that anyone can find time to rejoice at this news is beyond me when on the same day US casualties reached 3,000 and car bombs are killing as many (if not more) people per day than Saddam could ever have hope to!
Yes, job well done boys!
01 January, 2007 05:29
Well, so long as you accept Maliki as the democratic choice of Iraq, which many who oppposed the war do not - ranting about "US puppets" and the like.
01 January, 2007 15:55
I wouldn't go as far to call him a 'puppet' but when Kalilzad parades the Iraqi parliament like a Viceroy I do question whether the government is completely sovereign. Do I believe that the US had a role in al-Jafaari's removal? Absolutely. Whether we like it or not there can be no denial that the US still has massive influence in the conduct of this government.
Just a footnote: Maliki is only in power because al-Sadr was the kingmaker. Great. Someone as violent as Saddam.
01 January, 2007 18:15
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